Monday, January 12, 2009

Challenge to Those Who Think We Are Misrepresenting the Facts

Thank you to all those who have responded so far. We've received a tremendous amount of chizuk from many people, both men and women who have read our letter and feel extremely upset about the mikvaos issue in RBS-A. Some of the people were somewhat aware of what's been going on, while others have expressed surprise at having had so little previous knowledge about all of this.

We've also gotten a fair amount of criticism from those who simply accuse us of fabricating the details of the story or of having some hidden agenda. The only goal of this committee is to try to make sure that our communal decisions are made with a focus on achdus and ahavas yisrael. In order to address those who feel that we are misrepresenting the facts, we have decided to turn to the public with a simple request. We would like to get at least one volunteer from each of the shuls in RBS-A, to go their Rav directly with the various questions we have raised so far, to get their Rav's perspective and understanding of the facts regarding this issue. Obviously, every person can and should approach their Rav with whatever shailos they have on their own, but we would like one person to be in contact with us regarding their conversation. This should of course only be done with the haskama of each Rav. We expect that the rabbanim will be glad to have an opportunity to explain their point of view. All contact people can remain anonymous.

In this way, we can all work together to hopefully improve the situation.

Some people have mentioned that they don't feel that they have a "right" to question their Rav about this issue. It really should be no different than hilchos shabbos, kashrus or taharas hamishpacha. The role of a Rav is to explain in detail all aspects of mitzvos, so that we can know why we are doing what we're doing, and improve our avodas Hashem.

Please send us an e-mail with the name of the Rav you are planning to consult about this. The email address is

Please be sure to ask the Rav whom you consult, about all aspects of the mikvaos issue that have been raised so far.

The Committee for Real Achdus in RBS-A


  1. I think we need to all call ALL the rabbonim in the neighborhood, ESPECIALLY Rabbi Perlstein, and ask for an explanation. There is secrecy surrounding checking at the mikva, and women don't talk about what goes on there - so how is the community to know what is going on?

  2. Rabbonim don't have to give out blanket explanations, there job is to just guide individuals.

  3. Why don't rabbonim have to give explanations? Isn't their job to explain the Torah???

  4. Maybe it's because we're not FFB, but there's NO WAY my husband would ask a Rav a question like that. It sounds too much like chutzpah.

  5. I'm also not FFB (I hate that term but that's a different story...) and I am perfectly comfortable asking a Rav about this. I used to think Rabbis were really concerned about us as all BTs do, but I now recognize that much of their work is politics and power as all FFBs know. This Mikva story highlights that.

  6. Sometimes silence is the best way to create achdus and let comments that we feel are inapropriate or hateful to fall on deaf ears because if someone does have an agenda related to politics etc it is unlikely we will change their minds

  7. Those that know don't talk; those that talk don't know
