Sunday, January 18, 2009


The latest rumors we have heard are about the mikva on Dolev. As many of you are aware, under the previous City government agreement, the plan was that the mikva on Dolev would be divided, with five rooms being run as mehadrin and five under the moatza. Until now, the "right" side has not been opened. Post elections, the new agreement was made to make the entire mikva on Dolev "mehadrin" and give Lachish to the Moatza. The plan has several steps as was mentioned in comments to some previous posts we wrote. First, the mikva on Lachish will be closed, and fixed up to be much nicer. During that time there will be five rooms for the Moatza and five mehadrin rooms on Dolev. After Lachish is ready, the moatza will go there and Dolev will be "all mehadrin." In a few years when the other mehadrin mikva is ready on Luz, the moatza will trade with the "mehadrin" and swap Lachish for Dolev. Final total: 2 mehadrin, 1 Moatza.

People are now apparently trying to claim that the mikva on Dolev is closed because the Chareidi rabanim who will take it over and run it as mehadrin, are upgrading the mikva because it was not up to their mehadrin standards. This is a complete SHEKER. In fact, the work is being done under the auspicies of the Moatza Hadatit. A problem was discovered (by the Moatza) with the grouting, and while the mikva was 100% fine, they were concerned that it could potentially turn into a real problem, chas v'shalom. Therefore, the company that built the mikva, was brought back in by the Moatza, to completely redo the bor including the waterproofing. Once this was begun, the other rabanim requested to have the same work done on the "mehadrin side" of the mikva, under the assumption that they might end up with the same issue. The boros will not be one iota different than they were before. People have sent us emails claiming that we don't now our facts since we said no structural changes would take place in order to confer mehadrin status, when in fact there are changes being made. Again, that is categorically false.

The question now is, who is spreading these rumors? Are people saying this innocently or is it deliberate? We hope that now that we have clarified this, people will recognize that they need to check their facts before making insinuations or outright accusations about the Dolev mikva.


  1. People want to believe that there is a real problem with the mikva - if not, then the mikva-is-no-good rumors are all about baseless hatred...

  2. the dolev mikva is closer to most of the non-haredi crowd and should be non-mehadrin

  3. Why don't we get a psak from leading gedolim, in writing, as to what mikva ladies should do or not do? If what our mothers did wasn't good enough, if what they do in Benei Brak isn't good enough, will this end in us wearing burkas?

  4. Why don't rabbonim in the neighborhood put an end to this loshen hara by announcing in shul that the mikvas in our neighborhood are all good?

  5. Wow. I keep reading this stuff and think I know why we're at war...
    And Leah, keep dreaming!

  6. I'm a BT and I realize I am new to this...but isn't is better to have the mikva be mehardin so everyone will feel comfortable there?

  7. No. If you make the stringencies too Chumradict and you will start turning off those who are currently only boderline on wanting to go.

    Not every woman would be comfortable going through the new style "mehadrin" checking- I for one wouldn't do it. It is meant having ot go much father and waiting an extra day or two I would start to consider it- and I am dati and have been keeping the rules without fail for over 10 years now.

    If I would consider not going (and waiting) what of those who would just not go at all. Frummer is not always better.
